Luke Moore, soldier and member of the Old Three Hundred, received title to a league of land in what is now Harris County on August 3, 1824, and located his claim on Bray’s Bayou. William B. Travis was retained as attorney in a title suit against Moore in October 1833. Moore died before December 1837, when Thomas Earle, administrator, was offering land in the Moore estate for sale. In 1838 Moore was issued a headright certificate for a labor of land in Harrisburg County, after his death; he received 640 acres for his service from July 15 to December 15, 1836, and a bounty warrant for 320 acres on February 2, 1838, for his service, including his presence at the Siege of Bexar, from September 27 to December 18, 1835; patents of 320 and 640 acres in Limestone County were issued to a Luke Moore on February 9 and May 20, 1846, respectively.
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