This compares the list of Capt. Juan Seguin’s volunteers as listed at the Seguin Descendants web site with what is known of the the muster rolls of all veterans of the battle. It is hoped this will add to the knowledge of the men who fought and served in the Siege of Bexar.
There are 53 men on the list at the Seguin Descendants site, but the Handbook of Texas Online for Juan Nepomucino Seguín says he brought 37 men with him, so it is unclear how many of the men listed from Seguin’s company below were either in his command at the time or present at the Siege of Bexar.
The absence of a name from the Muster Rolls column does not mean the person did not serve – the records are incomplete and that person may not have been recorded. Also be aware that the names on the two lists sometimes have different spellings.
If you have any corrections, additions, suggestions, etc., please use the contact form.
Muster Rolls | Seguin Volunteers |
Addison, George L. | |
Alamedo, Jose | Alemeda, Jose |
Alexander, David | |
Allen, Elisha | |
Allen, George | |
Allen, James B. | |
Allen, John W. | |
Allen, Moses | |
Allen, William A. | |
Amason, Jesse | |
Amelung, Lewis F. | |
Anderson, Bailey | |
Anderson, Ephraim | |
Anderson, Holland | |
Anthony, Francis J. | |
Armstrong, Lenty M. | |
Arnold, Hendrick | |
Arrocha, Jose Maria | Arrocha, Juan Jose |
Austin, David | |
Bancroft, John B. | |
Barbo, Juan Jose | |
Barclay, Anderson | |
Barnett, George Washington | |
Barnett, William | |
Beauchamp, Benedick | |
Beecher, J. | |
Belcher, Isham G. | |
Bell (or Bill), Marvin | |
Bell, Thomas B. | |
Bell, William | |
Bennett, Valentine | |
Bergard, Anderson | |
Berry, David | |
Bertrong, Thomas | |
Bird, James | |
Black, John R. | |
Black, W. Monroe | |
Blair, Samuel C. | |
Blount, Wm. S. | |
Blowne, Wm. B. | |
Borden, Thomas H. | |
Border, John | |
Bowen, John S. | |
Box, Lewis | |
Bracey, McLinn | |
Bradley, John M. | |
Breen, Christopher | |
Brimstead, M.W. | |
Brookfield, William Charles | |
Brookshire, Nathan | |
Brown, James Murry | |
Brugmains, John | |
Bryan, John W. | |
Buckler, Henry | |
Bueno, Manuel | |
Bundick, Thomas W. | |
Burleson, General Edmund | |
Bustillo, Clemente | Bustillo, Clemente |
Butler, Henry | |
Byerly, Adam | |
Byerly, William | |
Cabasos, Albino | |
Cable, Adam | |
Cables, Francis P. | |
Cain, John | |
Callender, Sidney S. | |
Callicothe, John B. | |
Callison, Samuel | |
Cameron, John | |
Campbell, Joseph | |
Canter, Joshua | |
Carlenas, Francisco | |
Carter, James | |
Cartwright, Matthew W. | |
Cartwright, Washington | |
Casey, Seth | |
Cassilas, Mate | Cascillas, Mateo |
Cassilas, Pablo | Cacillas, Pablo |
Cassillas, Juan | |
Castinon, Louis | Castarion, Luis |
Cavin, John | |
Cervantes, Agapito | Cervantes, Agapito |
Chacon, Cavalos | Chacon, Carlos |
Chamberland, Willard | |
Chershire, Daniel | |
Cheshire, James | |
Choat, John M. | |
Cilba, Miguel | |
Clark, Abraham K. | |
Clifton, Thomas | |
Cody, William | |
Cole, Gabriel | |
Collard, J.S. | |
Collins, E.M. | |
Cone, Henry Hale | |
Conn, Joseph | |
Conrad, Peter | |
Contes, Cirioco | Conti, Ciriaco |
Cook, David | |
Conti, Julian | |
Cooke, William J. | |
Cooper, Campbell | |
Cowen, Dennis | |
Cox, Thomas R. | |
Crane, John | |
Cronican, Michael | |
Cruz, Antonio | |
Curbier, Fernando | Curvier, Fernando |
Curbier, Mahias | |
Curtis, Sr., James | |
Dailey, Michael | |
Dance, H.B. | |
Darling, Socrates | |
Darr, George | |
Davis, Hiram | |
Davis, Lee R. | |
Davis, Samuel | |
Davis, Travis | |
Day, F.K.R. | |
Dean, Calloway | |
Dement. J.M. | |
Deshalier, P.B. | |
Dial, George M. | |
Diaz, Domingo | Diaz, Domingo |
Diaz, Francisco | Diaz, Francisco |
Dillard, John Henry | |
Drake, James | |
Duncan, Peter B. | |
Dunlavy, Alexander | |
Dunlavy, William T. | |
Dupong, Joseph | |
Durham, William D. | |
Duvslt, Andrew | |
English, George | |
English, James | |
Escalero, Manuel | Escalera, Manuel |
Espenoza, Ignacio | Espinosa, Ygnacio |
Estes, Anderson | |
Eubanks, E.N. | |
Evetts, Samuel O. | |
Ewing, James L. | |
Fish, John M. | |
Flores, Manuel | |
Flores, Manuel Maria | |
Flores, Salvador | |
Fogg, John W. | |
Foote, Robert H. | |
Forsyth, Thomas H.W. | |
Friels, William | |
Fulcher, Benjamin | |
Fulcher, Gravis | |
Gallardo, Manuel | Gallardo, Manuel |
Gaona, Pedro | |
Garcia, Clemente | Garcia, Clemente |
Garcia, Guadalupe | |
Garcia, Jesus | Garcia, Jesus |
Garner, David | |
Garrett, Milton | |
Garza, Jose Maria de la | Garza, Jose Maria de la |
Garza, Marcelino de la | Garza, Marcelino de la |
Garza, Paulino de la | Garza Paulino de la |
Gates, Greenbury | |
Gates, William Norwood | |
Gayton, Agapito | |
George, James | |
Gillespie, Duke J. | |
Gimenez, Juan | |
Glasscock, George W. | |
Golighbly, Thomas J. | |
Gomez, Francisco | Gomez, Francisco |
Gonzales, Grabiel | |
Good, Hannibal | |
Gorbet, Chester Spalding | |
Gorman, Isaac | |
Graham, Richard | |
Graham, W. | |
Granna, Pedro | |
Grant, James | |
Greer, Andrew J. | |
Gregg, Darius | |
Grigsby, Enoch | |
Grigsby, Nathaniel | |
Guild, Alfred R. | |
Haley, Captain Richard | |
Hall, John L. | |
Hanson, David | |
Hanson, Davis | |
Harbourur, Geo. W. | |
Harper, William | |
Harris, John | |
Hatton, Thomas J. | |
Hawkins, W.W. | |
Haygood, H.H. | |
Hays, William | |
Hearler, John W. | |
Hendrick, Thomas | |
Hendrick, William S. | |
Hererra, T. | |
Hernandez, Antonio | Hernandez, Antonio |
Hernandez, Eduardo | Hernandez, Eduardo |
Hernandez, Gregona | Hernandez, Gregorio |
Herrera, Pedro | Herrera, Pedro |
Herrera, Toribio | |
Hill, William G. | |
Hitchcock, A.J. | |
Hoffman, John | |
Holman, William W. | |
Holmes, Ashel C. | |
Hope, Adolphus | |
Hope, Richard | |
Howard, J.C. | |
Hughes, James | |
Hughes, Thomas M. | |
Hunt, John C. | |
Hunt, William G. | |
Hunter, William L. | |
Husbands, John | |
Isaac, Anderson | |
Isaac, George | |
Isaac, William | |
Jimenez, Juan | |
Johnson, Francis W. | |
Johnson, John R. | |
Johnston, James Smith | |
Jones, Gustavius H. | |
**Jones, Jesse R. | |
**Jones, Jesse T. | |
Jones, Stephen | |
Jordan, John F. | |
Kuykendall, R.H. | |
Kuykendall, William | |
Landrum, Willis H. | |
Langenheim, William | |
Leal, Manuel | |
Leeper, Samuel | |
Levy, Alfred | |
Lewellyn, Thomas | |
Lewis, George W. | |
Lewis, Jacob | |
Lewis, M.B. | |
Lewis, William | |
Lindsay, Oliver H. | |
Lindsey, Pennington | |
Lockhart, Byrd | |
Lockhart, Washington | |
Lockridge, H.H. | |
Logan, Greenbury | |
Losoya, Domingo | |
Lout, Pickney | |
Lovar, Thomas | |
Lowe, Barney C. | |
Lowery, John | |
Lubbock, Thomas S. | |
Lumford, Francis | |
Lusk, Robert O. | |
Lynch, Joseph P. | |
Maiden, Isaac | |
Malone, William P. | |
Mansola, Pablo | Mansolo, Pablo |
Mason, Charles | |
Mason, George | |
Mata, Miguel | |
Maverick, Samuel A. | |
McAnelly, Pleasant | |
McAnelly, Robert D. | |
McCollum, Hugh | |
McDaniel, J.P. | |
McGee, Ralph | |
McGregor, John | |
McHanks, Horatio | |
McKeever, Marshall D. | |
McLean, Neil | |
McLeod, John D. | |
McNelly, P. | |
McNelly, R.D. | |
Milam, Benjamin Rush | |
Miller, M.S. | |
Mirando, Francisco | Miranda, Francisco |
Mitchell, David | |
Moore, Francis | |
Moore, Luke | |
Moore, William | |
Mora, Esteven | |
Morgan, Henry | |
Morris, Robert C. | |
Morrison, John C. | |
Moses, J.M. | |
Mosier, Adam | |
Nash, James H. | |
Navarro, Nepomuceno | |
Nicholas, George | |
Noland, John | |
**Nolen, John | |
Outlaw, Lucien B. | |
Page, Joseph William | |
Paine, Epps D. | |
Paine, John | |
Palacios, Juan Jose | |
Patton, William H. | |
Peace, Henry | |
Peace, Hiram | |
Peacock, John W. | |
Peerman, George B. | |
Pemberton, John J. | |
Pennington, Sydney O. | |
Pettus, John F. | |
Pevehouse, John | |
Pevehouse, Preston | |
Pickett, John R. | |
Pittman, H.M. | |
Pleasants, John H. | |
Polk, Thomas | |
Pratt, Alfred | |
Price, George W. | |
Proctor, Frederick | |
Pulliam, E.P. | |
Quillam, Charles | |
Rains, John D. | |
**Ralph, Samuel | |
Ralph, Samuel | |
Ramirez, Eduardo | |
Read, William | |
Ramos, Vicente | |
Rebrie, Ramon | |
Reese, Charles K. | |
Reese, Washington P. | |
Reynolds, George W. | |
Rheinhard, J.P. | |
Rhoeder, Louis von | |
Richardson, Stephen | |
Roberts, L.S. | |
Roberts, William | |
Rodriguez, Ambrosio | |
Rodriguez, Jose de la Jesus | |
Rodriguez, Justo | |
Roeder, Albert von | |
Rubio, Ramon | |
Ruiz, Antonio | Ruiz, Antonio |
Ruiz, Esmerigeldo | Ruiz, Esmirigildo |
Russell, Hiram H. | |
Russell, Robert W. | |
Rutherford, Joseph | |
Salinas, Francisco | |
Salinas, Magil | Salinas, Miguel |
Salinas, Pablo | Salinas, Pablo |
Sargent, Charles | |
Scott, Philip Bruce | |
Scurlock, William | |
Seguin, Juan | |
Selimas, Francisco | |
Shipman, Daniel | |
Shipman, Jacob H. | |
Shipman, James R. | |
Silva, Miguel | |
Simpson, James H. | |
Sinclair, John | |
Smith, Abram | |
Smith, Archibald | |
Smith, George | |
Smith, Henry S. | |
Smith, John M. | |
Smith, John S. | |
Smith, John W. | |
Smith, Menan | |
Smith, William | |
Smith, William W. | |
Springer, A.W. | |
Stevens, Samuel | |
Strickland, J.R. | |
Stringer, Edward M. | |
Sublett, Philip A. | |
Swisher, James G. | |
**Texado, Agapito | Tejada, Agapito |
Thomas, Amos | |
Thomas, Troy | |
Thompson, Hiram M. | |
Thompson, Singlaton | |
Thornton, William | |
Trammel, Burk | |
**Tumlinson, John | |
Tumlinson, John J. | |
Turner, Joseph | |
Tyler, Robert D. | |
**Vachery, John | |
Valdez, Francisco | Valdez, Francisco |
Vanness, John | |
Vaughan, Eldridge | |
Vaughan, John | |
Villareal, Estevin | Villarreal, Estifan |
Wade, Nathan | |
Walker, Jacob | |
Walker, Sanders | |
Ward, Thomas William | |
Ware, Joseph | |
Warren, John | |
Watson, H.E. | |
Webster, London | |
Welch, George W. | |
Wells, Wayman F. | |
Whetstone, Peter | |
White, James G. | |
White, John W. | |
**Wickson, Dyrus | |
Wickson, Dyrus | |
Wilkinson, John | |
Williams, Christopher | |
Williams, J.T. | |
Williams, James | |
Williams, Leonard S. | |
Williams, Ralph | |
Williams, Sr., Stephen | |
Williams, Stephen | |
Winn, John A. | |
Wolfenberger, Samuel | |
Wood, Henry | |
Wood, Mandud | |
Yates, Thomas | |
York, James A. | |
York, John | |
Youngblood, Jackson | |
Zepeda, Vicente | |
**Zumigas, Jose | Zuniga, Jose |
**These names are from old records and some are barely legible, therefore there may be possible spelling variations and duplications. It is a possibility that the double names found on the list may be father and son.
Leah Norville says
Were Stephen Williams and Stephen Williams Sr. related?
Cheryl Garcia says
My 3rd great grandfather is listed, Luis Castanon; and so is my 4th great grandfather Ciraco Contis. Very interesting history I’m learning about the Contis side!