This list is incomplete as the Muster Rolls of 1850 burned in the fire at the Adjutant General’s office Oct. 10, 1855, but the General Land Office had copies of most of them. The fire in the Texas state capitol in 1880 destroyed more of them. They can be seen at the Texas State Archives.
“According to the research done by Thomas Miller in The Public Lands of Texas 1519-1917, the General Land Office possesses a ‘true copy of the Muster Rolls prepared by the adjutant general in 1850.’ Because the adjutant general’s office was destroyed by fire in 1855, and all the records were lost, the Muster Roll copies in the General Land Office and the Texas State Archives in Austin, Texas are probably the only ones in existence.”
Commanders & Leaders:
Stephen F. Austin
Edward Burleson
Frank W. Johnson
Ben Milam (KIA)
Thomas J. Rusk
Partial Roster:
Addison, George L.
Alamedo, Jose
Alexander, David
Allen, Elisha
Allen, George
Allen, James B.
Allen, John W.
Allen, Moses
Allen, William A.
Amason, Jesse
Amelung, Lewis F.
Anderson, Bailey
Anderson, Ephraim
Anderson, Holland
Anthony, Francis J.
Armstrong, Lenty M.
Arnold, Hendrick
Arrocha, Jose Maria
Austin, David
Bancroft, John B.
Barbo, Juan Jose
Barclay, Anderson
Barnett, George Washington
Barnett, William
Beauchamp, Benedick
Beecher, J.
Belcher, Isham G.
Bell (or Bill), Marvin
Bell, Thomas B.
Bell, William
Bennett, Valentine
Bergard, Anderson
Berry, David
Bertrong, Thomas
Bird, James
Black, John R.
Black, W. Monroe
Blair, Samuel C.
Blount, Wm. S.
Blowne, Wm. B.
Borden, Thomas H.
Border, John
Bowen, John S.
Box, Lewis
Bracey, McLinn
Bradley, John M.
Breen, Christopher
Brimstead, M.W. (transcription error: BUMSTEAD, M.W.)
Brookfield, William Charles
Brookshire, Nathan
Brown, James Murry
Brugmains, John
Bryan, John W.
Buckler, Henry
Bundick, Thomas W.
Burleson, General Edmund
Bustillo, Clemente
Butler, Henry
Byerly, Adam
Byerly, William
Cabasos, Albino
Cable, Adam
Cables, Francis P.
Cain, John
Callender, Sidney S.
Callicothe, John B.
Callison, Samuel
Cameron, John
Campbell, Joseph
Canter, Joshua
Carlenas, Francisco
Carter, James
Cartwright, Matthew W.
Cartwright, Washington
Casey, Seth
Cassillas, Juan
Cassilas, Mate
Cassilas, Pablo
Castinon, Louis
Cavin, John
Cervantes, Agapito
Chamberland, Willard
Chacon, Cavalos
Chershire, Daniel
Cheshire, James
Choat, John M.
Cilba, Miguel
Clark, Abraham K.
Clifton, Thomas
Cody, William
Cole, Gabriel
Collard, J.S.
Conn, Joseph
Cone, Henry Hale
Collins, E.M.
Contes, Cirioco
Conrad, Peter
Cook, David
Cooke, William J.
Cooper, Campbell
Cowen, Dennis
Cox, Thomas R.
Crane, John
Cronican, Michael
Cruz, Antonio
Curbier, Fernando
Curbier, Mahias
Curtis, Sr., James
Dailey, Michael
Dance, H.B.
Darr, George
Darling, Socrates
Davis, Lee R.
Davis, Hiram
Davis, Samuel
Davis, Travis
Day, F.K.R.
Dean, Calloway
Dement. J.M.
Deshalier, P.B.
Diaz, Domingo
Diaz, Francisco
Dial, George M.
Dillard, John Henry
Drake, James
Duncan, Peter B.
Dunlavy, Alexander
Dunlavy, William T.
Dupong, Joseph
Durham, William D.
Duvslt, Andrew
English, George
English, James
Escalero, Manuel
Espenoza, Ignacio
Estes, Anderson
Eubanks, E.N.
Evetts, Samuel O.
Ewing, James L.
Fish, John M.
Flores, Manuel
Flores, Manuel Maria
Flores, Salvador
Fogg, John W.
Foote, Robert H.
Forsyth, Thomas H.W.
Friels, William
Fulcher, Gravis
Fulcher, Benjamin
Gallardo, Manuel
Garcia, Clemente
Garcia, Jesus
Garner, David
Garrett, Milton
Garza, Jose Maria de la
Garza, Marcelino de la
Garza, Paulino de la
Gates, Greenbury
Gates, William Norwood
Gayton, Agapito
George, James
Gillespie, Duke J.
Gimenez, Juan
Glasscock, George W.
Golighbly, Thomas J.
Gomez, Francisco
Good, Hannibal
Gorbet, Chester Spalding
Gorman, Isaac
Graham, Richard
Graham, W.
Granna, Pedro
Grant, James
Greer, Andrew J.
Gregg, Darius
Grigsby, Enoch
Grigsby, Nathaniel
Guild, Alfred R.
Haley, Captain Richard
Hall, John L.
Hanson, David
Hanson, Davis
Harbourur, Geo. W.
Harper, William
Harris, John
Hatton, Thomas J.
Hawkins, W.W.
Haygood, H.H.
Hays, William
Hearler, John W.
Hendrick, Thomas
Hendrick, William S.
Hernandez, Antonio
Hernandez, Eduardo
Hernandez, Gregona
Hererra, T.
Herrera, Pedro
Hill, William G.
Hitchcock, A.J.
Hoffman, John
Holman, William W.
Holmes, Ashel C.
Hope, Adolphus
Hope, Richard
Howard, J.C.
Hughes, Thomas M.
Hughes, James
Hunt, John C.
Hunt, William G.
Hunter, William L.
Husbands, John
Isaac, Anderson
Isaac, George
Isaac, William
Johnson, Francis W.
Johnson, John R.
Johnston, James Smith
Jones, Gustavius H.
**Jones, Jesse R.
**Jones, Jesse T.
Jones, Stephen
Jordan, John F.
Kuykendall, R.H.
Kuykendall, William
Landrum, Willis H.
Langenheim, William
Leal, Manuel
Leeper, Samuel
Levy, Alfred
Lewellyn, Thomas
Lewis, George W.
Lewis, Jacob
Lewis, M.B.
Lewis, William
Lindsay, Oliver H.
Lindsey, Pennington
Lockhart, Byrd
Lockhart, Washington
Lockridge, H.H.
Logan, Greenbury
Lout, Pickney
Lovar, Thomas
Lowe, Barney C.
Lowery, John
Lubbock, Thomas S.
Lumford, Francis
Lusk, Robert O.
Lynch, Joseph P.
Maiden, Isaac
Malone, William P.
Mansola, Pablo
Mason, Charles
Mason, George
Maverick, Samuel A.
McAnelly, Pleasant
McAnelly, Robert D.
McCollum, Hugh
McDaniel, J.P.
McGee, Ralph
McGregor, John
McHanks, Horatio
McKeever, Marshall D.
McLean, Neil
McLeod, John D.
McNelly, P.
McNelly, R.D.
Milam, Benjamin Rush
Miller, M.S.
Mirando, Francisco
Mitchell, David
Moore, Francis
Moore, Luke
Moore, William
Mora, Esteven
Morgan, Henry
Morris, Robert C.
Morrison, John C.
Moses, J.M.
Mosier, Adam
Nash, James H.
Nicholas, George
Noland, John
**Nolen, John
Outlaw, Lucien B.
Page, Joseph William
Paine, Epps D.
Paine, John
Patton, William H.
Peace, Henry
Peace, Hiram
Peacock, John W.
Peerman, George B.
Pemberton, John J.
Pennington, Sydney O.
Pettus, John F.
Pevehouse, John
Pevehouse, Preston
Pickett, John R.
Pittman, H.M.
Pleasants, John H.
Polk, Thomas
Pratt, Alfred
Price, George W.
Proctor, Frederick
Pulliam, E.P.
Quillam, Charles
Rains, John D.
**Ralph, Samuel
Ralph, Samuel
Read, William
Rebrie, Ramon
Reese, Charles K.
Reese, Washington P.
Reynolds, George W.
Rheinhard, J.P.
Rhoeder, Louis von
Richardson, Stephen
Roberts, L.S.
Roberts, William
Rodriguez, Jose de la Jesus
Rodriguez, Justo
Roeder, Albert von
Ruiz, Antonio
Ruiz, Esmerigeldo
Russell, Hiram H.
Russell, Robert W.
Rutherford, Joseph
Salinas, Magil
Salinas, Pablo
Sargent, Charles
Scott, Philip Bruce
Scurlock, William
Seguin, Juan
Selimas, Francisco
Shipman, Daniel
Shipman, Jacob H.
Shipman, James R.
Simpson, James H.
Sinclair, John
Smith, Abram
Smith, Archibald
Smith, George
Smith, Henry S.
Smith, John M.
Smith, John S.
Smith, John W.
Smith, Menan
Smith, William
Smith, William W.
Springer, A.W.
Stevens, Samuel
Strickland, J.R.
Stringer, Edward M.
Sublett, Philip A.
Swisher, James G.
**Texado, Agapito
Thomas, Amos
Thomas, Troy
Thompson, Hiram M.
Thompson, Singlaton
Thornton, William
Trammel, Burk
**Tumlinson, John
Tumlinson, John J.
Turner, Joseph
Tyler, Robert D.
**Vachery, John
Valdez, Francisco
Vanness, John
Vaughan, Eldridge
Vaughan, John
Villareal, Estevin
Wade, Nathan
Walker, Jacob
Walker, Sanders
Ward, Thomas William
Ware, Joseph
Warren, John
Watson, H.E.
Webster, London
Welch, George W.
Wells, Wayman F.
Whetstone, Peter
White, James G.
White, John W.
**Wickson, Dyrus
Wickson, Dyrus
Wilkinson, John
Williams, Christopher
Williams, James
Williams, J.T.
Williams, Leonard S.
Williams, Ralph
Williams, Stephen
Williams, Sr., Stephen
Winn, John A.
Wolfenberger, Samuel
Wood, Henry
Wood, Mandud
Yates, Thomas
York, James A.
York, John
Youngblood, Jackson
**Zumigas, Jose
**These names are from old records, some are barely legible, therefore there may be possible spelling variations and duplications. It is a possibility that the double names found on the list may be father and son.
Clay Cary says
The person listed as Seth Casey should, I believe, be Seth Carey aka Seth Cary who is listed on the muster rolls for the New Orleans Greys.
Jackie Kirkham, great-great granddaughter says
I believe that Dr. George Washington Robinson was a member of Captain John Crane’s Company at the Seige of Bexar. His name is not listed on the above partial roster. He later served at the Battle of San Jacinto in Captain William Ware’s Company, Second Regiment Texas Volunteers.
Jose Carbajal says
My great ,great grandfather rode to this battle as part of the Victoria fighters with the Benavides and de Leon’s cadre. His name was Carlos Lasos. His son Alvino Lasos fought in the Confederacy. Alvino is my grandmothers father.
frances plunkett says
i am a member of the Daughters of the Rebublic of Texas;Alsatian Chapter in Castroville,Texas: and in December of this year at our Christmas meeting we wanted to have a program on the Siege of Bexar. I was wondering if any of your members would like to present a program for us.
tcloud says
There is no organization and there are no members. Sorry.
dianne says
Andrew Jackson Sowell was a participant. He is listed on the Battle of Bexar at the Alamo.
tcloud says
Please use the Proof of Service form to recommend addition of soldiers to the Siege of Bexar Descendants site.
Brenda Flowers says
John Nolan and brother James Nolan were both at the Battle of Bexar. James was wounded @ Battle of Bexar and went on to Battle of the Alamo where James was killed. It seems his brother John went on home as he resided in Austin, TX as did many of the men due to their having families to tend to. John Nolan was killed in a dual on the streets of Austin, TX, on Pecan St.(now named 6th street) and Congress . This info regarding John Nolan was in a newspaper in Austin, TX around 1843 as it seems John & the other man had an ongoing disagreement regarding where the capitol of TX should be ..Austin or Houston. John Nolan wanted it to be in Austin, TX and it is noted Sam Houston wanted it to be in Houston. So John Nolan and James Nolan should both be on militia roll of Bexar, not John Nolan twice. There have been many different spellings of their names… one place I found John’s name spelled Knowlan(d). James Nolan’s name is on the memorial just outside of the State Capitol of TX in remembrance of those who died at the Alamo- James was injured @ Bexar& died at Alamo.
Denita Sherwood says
Are you a descendant? My husband is 4greats grandson. I am looking for information that connects my Nolans and Teals. Well John married Amelia Teal, sister of Henry Teal, but I have been told 20 years ago there is a connection to Phillips Nolan, Born to Peter and Elizabeth (Cassidy) Nolan in Ireland, Philip Nolan (1771-1801) became a noted mustanger and possible filibuster in Spanish Texas.
Thanks for any information you may have
Denita Sherwood
Larry Jacks says
Amelia Teal Jones great great great great grandmother. She was married to Jonathan Jones. There is a connection right there to the Nolan, I’d just have to search it on ancestry.
Steven N. Cone says
I’m related to Henry Hale Cone.
I am the 8th generation of John Henry Dillard. He fought at Bexas then was killed at the Alamo.
Steven Lukefahr says
Hello Kindra. I am also related to JH Dillard. He was the 1st cousin of my maternal 4GGF.
Steven Lukefahr
Kingsville, TX
Betty McCauley says
My 3 x great grandfather fought in the Battle of Bexar, William Barnett Hardin. He was wounded in the leg during the Battle. I found my information on Texas History ON line.
Kirby Cannon says
Lowe, Barney C. was my 4th Great Grand Father, He is not listed but his Son- in-Law Gorham Parsons May fought with him a Bexar. I have Photos of both on line.
Christian Holmes says
Yeah, G. P. May was my great-great-Grandfather. He is listed with the Daughters of the Republic of Texas as being at the Battle of Bexar. He also showed up to San Jacinto on the day after the battle.
Veronica May McCuin says
I’m a direct descendant of Gorham Parsons May, too. Pretty cool!
Stephen Campbell says
I would very much like to have this picture or Gorham Parsons May and Barney Lowe. Gorham is my 3 times great grandfather
Norman B Taylor says
William Stanhope Taylor needs to be add to the Roster. His bio is listed in the website, which denotes he served with Captain John M Bradley’s Company (Volunteers from Tunahan District – San Augustine and Tenaha) during the campaign of San Antonio. Captain Bradley’s Co served in a Reserve and Scouting role under General Edward Burleson. Historical records indicate Capt Bradley’ Co was involved in the Grass Fight on Nov 26th in support of Col Bowie. On Dec 8th, Bradley’s Co was involved in repulsing a Mexican cavalry/infantry counterattack on the Texian camp during the ensuing attack on the city and the Alamo. William’s enlistment ended on Dec 23, 1835; the enlistment document was signed by Capt Bradley for General Burleson. I submitted documentation regarding William’s involvement in a letter dated Sep 17, 2008 to Ms Shirley Pfeiffer (Siege of Bexar Descendants Registrar). Request his name be added to the Roster.
Pamela Anthony says
Did Jim Bowie fight at this battle?
Richard L. Curilla says
James Bowie was involved as aid-de-camp to Stephen F. Austin from mid-October 1835 until the day after the November 26th. Grass Fight. Then he left Béxar under previous orders from Gen. Austin to oversee the fortifications at Goliad. He did not participate in the Battle of Béxar which was from December 5 to 9.
Ariella Healer says
My great-great-grandfather, John W. Healer was in this battle. He is listed incorrectly as John W. Hearler. Is there any way to correct this?
Joseph Bunton says
John Wheeler Bunton, may be listed incorrectly as John W Bryan. He served under John York from Mina, now Bastrop.
Terry L Cochran says
Please add to the list Capt Martin Baty Lewis father,” LTC Samuel S Lewis” who also fought with COL James Bowie and Martin Baty (M.B.) Lewis at the 1832 Battle of Nacogdoches. See Handbook Of Texas and Battle of Nacogdoches plaque of honor.
Terry L Cochran says
Muster roll participants showing M.B.Lewis should read Capt Martin Baty Lewis, per Handbook of Texas. Participant need to add Samuel S Lewis (son of Capt Martin Baty Lewis), per Handbook Of Texas
Jeremiah GATES Rhodes says
All my life I heard my Grandfather say “My grandfather went over the hill at the Alamo”. Years later I found that he (William Norwood Gates) enlisted in 1835 for 90 days and at the end of the enlistment, latter part of December, he hightailed it home to Louisiana. He returned in 1842 and moved to the Poteet area where he bought large amounts of land that had been given to Texas Vets who had no intention of living on the cactus flats of South Texas. He is buried in the Shiloh cemetery just SE of San Antonio.
Susan Beckwith says
If someone was awarded a Bexar Donation certificate, does that indicate that he served at the Siege of Bexar? our relative Robert McIntyre was awarded Bexar Donation certificate #263. He also served in other Republic of Texas militias and was awarded other land grants, but I was not aware that he was in the Siege of Bexar, and I did not see his name of list. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It was on file at the Texas Land Office.
Richard Cook says
On your roster for Siege of Bexar participants, William J Cooke should be Capt William G Cooke who was commander of the 2nd Co of New Orleans Greys. He was my great great grandfather. He also participated at San Jacinto, Council House Fight, Santa Fe Expedition, Military Road Expedition, the Battle of Campeche and other events during the Republic of Texas.
Johnny Alcorta says
Fernando Curbier was in The battle Of Siege Of De Bexar Dec. 05 1835.
Thomas Mitchell says
Anderson Estes from Liverpool Texas was my 3X great grandfather. He not only is a veteran of the Siege of Bexar but was a veteran of the War of 1812 serving for the U.S. out of Georgia.
Charles D. Bauch says
Please add the name William V. Criswell to the list. The Texas State Archives houses a record of his service in the Brass Gun Institution 1824 from Sept 28th 1835 to December 27th 1835. It states that he “Gallantly distinguished himself at the Siege of Bexar”. It is signed by Almeron Dickinson, J.C. Neill, and Edward Burleson, along with William T. Austin.
Bob Champion says
Joseph Williamson, Sr., my 3rd great grandfather, left his farm & family in Missouri, and mustered into Lt. Miller’s Company “A” of 2nd Regiment of Cavalry of the Regular Army of Texas, commanded by Lt. Col. John N. Sequin November 5, 1835. He was eventually issued a grant for a section of land on Purgatory Creek in Hayes County for his service in the Siege of Bexar. According to family documents, he moved his family to San Marcos in the 1850s, and later to Hugo (Purgatory). In the late 1990s, I drove my wife and daughters past the property and showed them the one room adobe house that was built on the property and later added on to.
His name was included on a muster roll at
which doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Thank you (NOT) George P. Bush!
Susan Armstrong Middleton says
Just a minor correction. Lenty M. Armstrong is actually Lancelot M. “Lanty” Armstrong, one of my relatives. We don’t have documentation but it is believed that the M. stood for Menefee, the last name of close relatives.
Geraldine Carson says
My great-great grandfather, Gorham May, was a member of Captain James Cheesher’s volunteers from the Bevil (Jasper ) area and his name is on the defenders roll at the Alamo. What needs to be done for his name to be included here.
Charles Bauch says
According to discharge papers found at the Texas State Library and Archives, my 3-Great grandfather William V. Criswell served at both the Come and Take It Battle at Gonzales, as well as during the Siege of Bexar. He served initially from Sept to December 1835, in the Brass Gun Institution of J.C. Neill, under command of Capt. Almeron Dickinson. He served again from March to June 1836, and was at the Battle of San Jacinto, in Jesse Billingsley’s company.
Please add him to the roster of participants of the Siege of Bexar
Debora Walker says
I believe Amas Thomas should be listed as Amos Thames. He is the brother of my 2nd great grandfather. He is also listed along with James Drake on Mourad “MW” Bumstead’s biography page on this site joining Bumstead and Drake under Captain Frank Johnson.
Carl Fryar says
My 4X Great Grandfather Canuto Dias and his older brother Julian Dias were a part of this battle and Battle of Concepcion, they received pensions in 1870s for their involvement. Granted by testimony from Juan Seguin who they rode with. They lived in San Juan de Capistraño and Espada Mission where I have six generations of Great Grandparents buried. They were Lipan Apache, Pamaque and Borrado native american indians, who were eventually seen as Spanish citizens through the caste system. Tejano Patriots.
Brian Hendrix says
I am related to at least 4 of the men on the above list. Stephen Williams, Sr. was my 5th great-grandfather, and Michael Dailey, his son-in-law, was my 4th great-grandfather. They walked or rode to Bexar from Jasper County with three of Stephen’s grandsons, two on this list. Stephen Williams, Jr. (not actually a Jr., but son of Stephen senior’s son Buck Williams) and Andrew Jackson Youngblood were Stephen Sr.’s crandsons. Stephen Williams, Sr. is buried in the State Cemetery in Austin and Jackson Youngblood’s grave is in the Damascus Baptist Church Cemetery in Corrigan with his wife Nancy Ryan Youngblood. Not on this particular roster is Jackson Youngblood’s brother Richard, who was 15 when he rode to Bexar. Also not on this roster is my wife’s 2nd great-grandfather, Anthony C. Parmer, who was also from Jasper and also participated in the battle when he was 15 years old. He was the son of the Texas Declaration of Independence signer Martin Parmer, and rode to Bexar with his brother Isom. Isom was Sergeant at Arms at the constitutional convention at Washington on the Brazos, and Sam Houston borrowed his horse for the Battle of San Jacinto.